Study predicts six-times growth in mobile payments by 2017
The spread of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets has lead to the strong growth of mobile commerce. There are plenty of possibilities to shop on mobile devices or specially designated mobile apps. Leadres, like eBay and Amazon, for example, offer specially designated mobile shopping apps, which ease the way you choose your product. A recently popular example is coffee chain Starbucks’ partnership with mobile payment provider Square, which allows Starbucks customers to pay for their orders through the Square Wallet app.
Recently, experts have made a forecast about the futute of mobile payments. The worldwide mobile payment volume in 2012 was 163.1 billion US dollars and is expected to grow to 721 billion US dollars in 2017.
People are bying via mobile devices not only physical goods,but also digital content or event tickets. With the increasing affordability of media downloads and streaming, online stores such as Google Play or Apple’s iTunes are able to generate revenue through digital media sales. It is common for mobile gaming apps to generate part of their revenue through virtual content and item sales.