ALLTERCO is a mobile services provider, operating in the European, Asian and American markets with offices in more than 10 countries. The company has more than 90 employees, located in the offices in Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Hungary, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia and the USA, offering mobile services and products in over 15 countries. We can offer direct and indirect access to almost 1 billion users worldwide.

ALLTERCO is a leader, with unique positions in the telecommunication industry and orientation towards trade and technical supply of mobile services without limitations. Our flexibility allows response to each specific request from our clients - the mobile operators, partners and end users of our services.

Our clients are mobile operators, media companies, advertising and media agencies, companies offering mobile payments, average and small businesses, state agencies, banks and other financial institutions, producers of all kinds of household goods and food products, and many others.


Our advantages are: creativity, quality and flexibility. Together with our vast experience and large number of innovations, our advantages give most extraordinary opportunities and reach new horizons in the mobile industry.

Allterco assists the mobile operators in substantially enlarging the number and potential of their mobile products and services with new attractive opportunities that will attract new customers and increase their profits.

Our most important mission is to extend our business model towards all regions and markets with potential.

We put global ideas in each one of our services, but at the same time we always adapt them to each specific market in order to achieve maximum results.


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